
According to Attitude Reconstruction there are 2 sources of unhappiness.

Specific external events trigger feeling unhappy. Specific events can be hurts and losses (such as natural disasters, breakups, death of loved ones, or being abandoned); violations and injustices (such as feeling betrayed, robbed or misinterpreted and experiencing corruption and discrimination); or threats to our survival (such as dangerous situations, lack of money or shelter, public speaking, etc.)

We also generate unhappiness, in our minds, by constantly telling ourselves we are unworthy, broken, and hopeless; not accepting people and situations, but instead being righteous and judging them negatively; and hanging out in the future or past, resorting to over-generalizations, and trying to control outcomes.

Constantly Feeling Unhappy

And what do we feel when we feel unhappy? Physically, maybe nothing. Maybe we feel numb or flat. Maybe a whole lot of things. But for sure, somewhere in there we have tons of sadness, anger, and fear. We feel less of the three emotions of joy, love, and peace. We are self-conscious, lack confidence, and feel helpless to do anything to change. And that spills over into our interaction with others: we feel separate, different, isolated, alone, and detached. Our emotional health is at the lowest level.

There is a doable way to create the happiness you desire. You can learn how to use your five inborn tools as they were intended.

  1. emotions – express them physically, naturally, and constructively
  2. thoughts – replace your destructive thoughts with what’s true
  3. intuition – listen within for guidance rather than exclusively from your head
  4. words (speech) – communicate by talking about yourself, remaining specific and kind, and listening well
  5. actions – line up your behavior with what you know in your heart

The Key to Happiness is Attitude Reconstruction

Attitude Reconstruction teaches you what you were never taught. It explains how to use all five tools to transform your unhappiness to happiness. You can select the tools that feel the most helpful and give them a try.

You can do something to change how you feel. Step by step, as you practice and gain skills to transform your unhappiness, you’ll feel more powerful. Your self-confidence rises, which will increase your self-esteem. You’ll take responsibility for your feelings, words, and actions. You’ll not only feel better about yourself, you’ll feel more positive about your world, and more ready to try new things.

The end result: you’ll feel more connected to those around you. You’ll be able to relish the beauty that surrounds you, take more delight in your accomplishments, and enjoy whatever comes your way. Unlock your happiness – the key is Attitude Reconstruction.